
John Paciuc, MD

OBGYN located in Upper East Side, New York, NY

By age 50, it’s estimated that as many as 80% of women have had a fibroid at some point in their life. These common uterine tumors don’t always cause symptoms, but when they do, they can affect your quality of life. Experienced, board-certified OB-GYN John Paciuc, MD, in New York City, can diagnose and treat your fibroid to relieve your symptoms. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Paciuc for fibroid treatment, call the Yorkville office on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

Fibroids Q & A

What are fibroids?

Fibroids are noncancerous muscular tumors that develop in the lining of your uterus. Fibroids are very common and may come and go without you even being aware. 

These tumors vary in both size and number. Your fibroid may be as small as a seed, which is why it may go undetected, or as large as a grapefruit. And you may have only one fibroid, or you may have several.

You may be more at risk of developing fibroids if they run in your family. A diet high in red meat, such as beef and pork, may also increase your risk of developing fibroids, while eating more vegetables may decrease your risk. 

What are common fibroid symptoms?

Fibroids don’t always cause symptoms, or you may mistake your fibroid-related symptoms for something else. Common fibroid symptoms include:

  • Pelvic pain
  • Increased urination
  • Constipation
  • Abnormal menstrual bleeding
  • Low back pain
  • Infertility

Large fibroids may also cause an increase in your abdominal girth. 

How are fibroids diagnosed?

Dr. Paciuc may recommend diagnostic testing, such as an ultrasound or MRI if he suspects you have a fibroid. He may incidentally find your fibroid during your routine pelvic exam and then recommend the additional testing to confirm his suspicions.

In addition to confirming your diagnosis, the imaging also provides information about the size and location of your fibroid, which may play a role in his recommended treatment. 

What are the treatments for fibroids?

Treatment for your fibroid may depend on the size and location and your symptoms. If your fibroid doesn't cause any problems, Dr. Paciuc may suggest routine ultrasound monitoring without any intervention. 

If your fibroid is causing symptoms, Dr. Paciuc may recommend:

  • Over-the-counter pain medication
  • Low-dose birth control to slow fibroid growth and treat abnormal bleeding
  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHA) to shrink the fibroid

If your fibroid continues to cause symptoms or it’s affecting fertility, Dr. Paciuc may suggest surgical removal of the noncancerous tumor. While surgery may improve your symptoms, it won’t prevent another fibroid from forming. If you no longer plan on having any more children, Dr. Paciuc may suggest a hysterectomy, which is a surgery that removes your uterus, to prevent further fibroids from developing. 

For comprehensive care of all your gynecological needs from a compassionate physician, call John Paciuc, MD, to schedule an appointment.