What Causes Womens’ Sex Drive to Diminish, and What Can Be Done About It?

Many factors can lead to a loss of sexual desire in a woman. They can be biological, emotional, medical, or even a combination of factors.

In this blog, John Paciuc, MD, discusses why a woman’s sex drive can diminish and how sexual vitality can be restored.

Components of desire

A woman’s desire for intimacy can be affected by a variety of factors, such as:

Personal attitudes

Personal attitudes may affect your sexual drive. Furthermore, culture, religion, family, and friends can all play a role in how you think of yourself as a sexual being. These attitudes can be positive or negative, and they can amplify or suppress your natural drive.

Emotional connections

Interpersonal and emotional connections can also affect your sexual motivation. Your emotional connection to someone and the strength of the relationship may change how you feel about a sexual partner.

Biological influences

Estrogen is the hormone that’s largely responsible for your body’s responses to reproductive matters, so any change in your hormone balance can potentially affect your sex drive. Female sexuality and sexual drive can be very complex, so treatment can be similarly complex.

Menopause is a common time when a woman’s sex drive changes, but there’s no single symptom. Some women are largely unaffected, others can feel an increased urge, and yet others can lose significant interest in sex. Furthermore, even if a woman still has a sex drive, physical changes can interfere with sexual performance.

Treating a dimished sex drive

Since each woman’s experiences are unique, treatments must be customized. Hormone therapy may help restore your sex drive if low levels of estrogen are the culprit. If uncomfortable or painful intercourse is the problem, the MonaLisa Touch® system, a minimally invasive, laser-based treatment for vaginal dryness may help.

Medications can also be the culprit in diminishing a woman’s sex drive. Dr. Paciuc will review any prescriptions you’re taking and suggest alternate drugs or dosages if there is a problem. Similarly, chronic illnesses and conditions can suppress your sexual urges, so it may take some trial and error to determine the factors that may be affecting your libido. The same is also true with emotional and psychological factors, such as stress.

If you want your sexual drive restored, you can get help. To learn more, book an appointment over the phone with John Paciuc, MD today.

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